Just some...well, things. I am mad at Stardoll for not giving us wigs like that! Well, maybe they will be in the new section of DesingStreet. Fingers crossed =P Well anyways, I was just randomly browsing the shop so... here's my humble opinion. Has SD been loading us with goodness lately? Or is that just me...

And some CGs of lately...

I never really liked that hairstyle. And, for the love of God, learn how to apply make-up! And what is with all those moths hanging open?

She looks like she just stepped out of a beauty pageant [NOT a good thing, btw] with that HUH-YOOGE tiara and the enormous necklace, she has a lip-shaped UFO next to her and random hearts and stars over her. The tiara and necklace together are hideous and that dress... Well, it's just like any other gift dress. [it IS a gift dress, right?]
Rawrz and kisses,
The randomly posting Non-SS Insider
Love the thing about the covergirl. Haha great minds criticize the same people ;)
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